Monday, October 19, 2015


Greetings, greetings.

For those who did not go to the dance yesterday and haven't heard, the room where we dance at Michael's was double-booked yesterday, and we were bumped for a yoga class.  We didn't get into the room until 4, and while the band (Stepping Stones with Robin & Norman) and caller (John Rogers) were ready pretty quickly, and we went till 6 instead of 5:30, we ended up getting less than two hours of dancing in.  At least we had enough people either stick around or come back to get in a decent dance.

I was not able to make the announcement yesterday (because we didn't have any), but I have a caller now for the Halloween dance.  William Eagan is going to be calling.  The band is calling itself Stringulation, and there are going to be at least five band members because Ellen Stahl is going to play, too.  It may even end up being six!  John Burnett says that they may just skip the sound system altogether because they won't need it for that large a band, and the problems of mike-ing that many people are difficult to overcome.

It may not come to anything, but I am applying for a job in North Carolina.  If I get it, then I will discontinue the fifth Saturday dance unless someone else wants to take it over.

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