Monday, March 21, 2016

Sunday March 20th Dance

I'm doing this early for a change, but I'm lacking in information, sadly.  I was late getting to the dance because I was at a WLRN event earlier in the afternoon, so I don't know what the caller's name was, other than Bob.  The band was Cornbread.  It's always nice having a different caller, and he had some different dances for us, including a square, which I have not seen in Boca except on one previous occasion other than when I called one.  If I have a quibble, it's that he didn't show us anything new, or even rare.  I think the last time I was introduced to something new was the dolphin hey, and that was four years ago down at Palmetto Bay.  I tried introducing the double back dip to our group, which I learned from Youtube, but no one else has taken it up as an option.  I may call another dance later this year just so I can introduce new moves.  Unfortunately, when I'm calling, I'm not dancing, so I don't get to participate in the new moves.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Old Home Week

At least it seemed like old home week being at the Davie Woman's Club Saturday.  I hadn't been back since October, and of course that's where the 2nd Saturday dance used to be held.  There were about 20 people there, two or three more than I've been getting at the same location and two or three more than have been showing up at the UU church.  Cornbread played and Brian called.  We had four or five more guys than gals there, so Anita ended up dancing most of the night rather than playing or watching the door.

Two young couples showed up at the dance.  We need to do everything in our power (admittedly not much) to encourage them to keep coming.  The future of contra dance depends on hooking a new generation.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

March 5, or Dance 5, whichever you prefer

A decent dance with Pot Luck playing and Brian calling.  I was asked to dance several times, so that was nice.  Four people picked up flyers for the 5th Saturday dance, so with any luck, that's at least four who are going.  The hardest dance for people to get once again was one with a left diagonal move.  I was glad to see a few of our better dancers show up for the dance.

Just my opinion, but if someone isn't getting the hang of the dance, it's best to give up on him/her and let that person sit out.  You are noble for trying, but it's like letting someone cross in front of you when you're holding up a much longer line of traffic behind you...  you're being nice to one and being annoying to thirty.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Barnacle Dance

I completely forgot about posting this week about the Barnacle dance on Sunday.  It was almost ALL new people, and not a large turnout.  Cornbread played and Anita called.  A pretty Chinese gal named Yanfei brightened up the evening.