Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sunday's Dance

Hello, all.  Looks like I need to post sooner after the dance if I'm going to get any readership, eh?  There was a good turnout for a Sunday afternoon dance.  Stepping Stones with Robin and Norman played, Brian called.  For those who are only obliquely involved with the dance, you should know that Francine is looking for someone to take over hospitality for either or both of the Boca dances, so if you're interested, let Francine or someone on the board know.  (Hospitality means bringing a tablecloth, napkins, cups, and so on, and then cleaning up the table at the end of the dance.)

I'm not sure why anything on the left or right diagonal throws everyone off, but that certainly seems to be the case.  Otherwise the dance went well.

I'd like to see 25+ people at the Halloween dance, so please come and please bring someone.  If that someone happens to be single, female, and attractive, and you'd like to introduce her to me, so much the better.  If you or someone you know is interested in me, you pretty much have to point it out to me; genius and social skill are inversely correlated, generally speaking.

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