Tuesday, August 23, 2016

An August Event

A decent dance on Sunday, the 21st, with John Roger calling (I don't think there's an S on his name) and Dorothy and guest fiddler playing.  John was calling them Southern Atlantic Muse, but I think that was Dorothy and Kevin's band name, not sure.  I think John's calling was improved this time over last, but he was hard to hear, some kind of microphone issue, especially the feedback, which was making me cringe.  The balance of men and women was better this time than last month, but there were still about four or five extra women sitting out, and many women left at the break or even sooner.  Now that Meetup is discontinued, I'm not seeing as many new faces at the dance.

I reminded everyone at the dance about the October and New Year's Eve 5th Saturday dances, but I forgot to remind folks that the October dance is going to be an open-mic event for callers.  I need to get the word out about that.

Some exciting news possibly coming in the near future, stay tuned.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Here I am, posting early for a change.  A rather disappointing dance because the heavy rain kept a lot of people away.  I think there were fewer dancers tonight/last night than usually show up on a Sunday afternoon, and it was a Saturday night.  Pot Luck played and Brian called.  A new fiddler/mandolin player played and did a fine job.  I think I heard someone call him Cliff.  I hope he will come again.

I did announce that the October dance will be an open-mic night.  I did not have anyone express interest in calling a dance, however.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Four page views yesterday...  I would think you would all know by now I don't get around to posting for several days after a dance.

We had 19 people show up at the dance on Sunday, that's a good sign.  I hope we can get as many or more at the October 29th dance.  That's on the 5th Saturday like it should be.

New Year's Eve is a 5th Saturday.  I have the hall booked but so far not much interest.  If you are interested in going to a contra dance on New Year's Eve, let me know.

Pot Luck played Sunday and William Eagan called.  William is getting much better, more smooth and anticipatory.  Linda Frank played fiddle for the first time at a dance and did well for her first time out.

For the October dance, I have decided to have an open-mic night.  Anyone who would like to try calling is welcome to come and call one or two or even three dances, depending on how many callers we get.  I will start off the evening with a simple dance to get things warmed up and then throw it open to whomever would like to try.

This is my 31st post, amazingly.