Monday, August 31, 2015

Lucky Number Seven

Hi, folks. Apparently I'm now getting some readership thanks to Cliff's newsletter, so thank you, Cliff.

We had a pretty good dance last night at the Davie Woman's Club, though we could have used a lot more dancers. It was my fifth time calling a dance, and I still need a great deal of improvement, but the dancers were pretty patient, anyway. I called several dances that we used to do all the time up in Indiana but that I have never or rarely seen down here in Florida. As expected, the Pattycake Polka had everyone laughing, and even those sitting out thought it was a great little dance. I also called a couple of simple square dances; no feedback on those, so I don't know how they went over. I had hoped to call a circle dance and a Sicilian circle, but we really didn't have enough people for either. Thanks to Pot Luck, our band, with Lew Pollack, John Burnett, and Linda Frank for playing. They were pretty patient with me, too.

Next 5th Saturday dance will be Halloween night; John Burnett will return with two new musicians who have never played a contra dance before, so it should be interesting. I will decide then whether or not the 5th Saturday dance will continue; we had 18 in May, 17 last night, not great turnouts. It's possible the oncoming storm kept some people away, so I'll hope for 25+ for Halloween.

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