Hello, all. Not sure why this is still getting views when I haven't updated in a long time, but since I'm here and it is still getting views, I'll post something.
I'm only getting to one contra dance a month these days, and unfortunately, they all seem to blend into one another anymore, without much uniqueness to make one stand out from another. Part of that is the monotony (sorry) of having the same band and the same caller time after time. That was one of my main goals as the scheduler for that brief time, making sure that there was a different band and a different caller every time out. You'd think with a board and a ready supply of cash in the till that they could afford a greater variety of bands and callers, but you'd think wrong. You'd also think that they would be working on developing new bands and callers, but you'd think wrong on that score, too.
I've been told that I can come across as harsh in my writing, but you should know this is me being nice. If I wanted to be harsh, I wouldn't be nearly this restrained. I would be brutal. But generally speaking, I like most of the people involved in the dance and have no wish to create hard feelings. That doesn't mean that I can't or won't point out when I believe there's room for improvement.
Just for fun, I think I'll write an entry for my own amusement in which I am brutal. If you think you can take it and want to see it, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you. Then you'll know what harsh really looks like.