Hello, all. I know I haven't posted in a while, but it's hard to a) comment positively when things didn't go all that well, and b) comment at all when you want to avoid being completely negative. But here goes.
Sunday's dance wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, either. There were LOTS of extra women (guys, take note, that's twice now the Sunday afternoon dance had way more women than men), but not enough guys to make the dance go. Brian was the caller and Pot Luck was the band, with a new fiddler making her first appearance.
Just a reminder, the 5th Saturday dance will NOT be on Saturday, it will be on SUNDAY, July 31st, from 6:30-10:00 p.m. The band will be Pot Luck but it will be Linda Frank on fiddle instead of the new girl. We only had nine people show up for the last dance, and at least one of those people is not in town anymore, so we need YOU to come. William Eagan will be calling, and he is of a similar mind as I am, more dancing, less talking, and John Burnett knows I like fast dances, so come on out and enjoy.